Jerald H. Starks (Jerry) was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on August 26, 2000. He lives in Normal with his beautiful wife Kristin and his three amazing sons James, Matthew, and Adam. Jerry is proud of his three sons who have various degrees of autism and is always fascinated on what they can do despite their disability. Jerry considers himself truly blessed to have such a wonderful wife of whom he considers to be the ONLY person to be truly “busy”.
Jerry was greeted a Select Master on September 28, 2002. Since then, Jerry has completed all three levels of certification to be a member of the IL Grand Council Gold Level Certified Ritualists. Jerry now serves on the Grand Council of Cryptic Masons Board of Grand Examiners of the State of Illinois.
Jerry holds many Masonic titles, but the one he holds most dear is “Worthy and Exemplary Mason”.
Finally, Jerry would like to share one of his favorite quotes:
“The rewards of a Mason are not measured by the number of hats that are placed upon his head, the number of jewels that hang from his breast or the number of titles listed under his name. They are measured by the number of minds he has expanded, the number of hearts he has touched and the number of lives he has enriched.” (Anonymous Mason)