I’m the 6th generation of Sheets men in Illinois masonry. Jackson M. Sheets was a charter member of Palestine Commandery #27 Paris, Illinois. All my biography takes place in Illinois. I was raised 1974 in Catlin Lodge, served 2 years in Potomac Lodge. I’m Past Master of Paris Lodge #268 and Vermont Lodge #106. I’m presently a member of St Paul’s Lodge #500 Springfield, Il. My York Rite journey began the Spring of 1978 in Chapter, Council, and Commandery in Danville.
I’m Past High Priest of Edgar Chapter & Past Eminent Commander Palestine Commandery #27 Paris. I’m Past TIM of Mattoon Council. Presently I’m Chaplain for Springfield Chapter #1 and Springfield Council #2. I’m former prelate and recorder Elwood Commandery #6. I’ve also served the Grand Council as Assistant District Inspector, District Inspector and present Grand Chaplain.
In 1988 I was the first minister sent to the Holyland on the Pilgrimage by the Grand Commandery of Illinois. I served many years on the Holyland Pilgrimage Committee and traveled the state presenting programs, selling Grand Encampment Holyland medallions and single handedly raising funds. My deceased wife Pennie & I monthly sent money to a created endowment fund paying back my trip in full! In 2014 I was awarded the Knights Templar Cross of Honor.
I served 2 years as soloist and Prelate for the Grand Commandery Ascension Day service at Bald Knob Cross Alto Pass, Il. I’m a frequent soloist For Knightings during the Ascension Scene. I’m also a member of the Grand Masters Club for the Eye Foundation. 1977 I received my AASR degrees in the Valley of Danville, served in the Valley of Peoria. For 2 years I served as the Grand Prior for ICOD under Norm Buecker. I came within 6 weeks of becoming Most Wise Master of Quincy Chapter of Rose Croix.
I had to resign and go dark for a little over 10 years because the church I served as minister became anti-masonic. The Valley of Springfield allowed me to continue my journey and I am now Past Most Wise Master of the Springfield Chapter of Rose Croix. I received the MSA in 2022. I was received as a member of Shamrock Knight Masons, Bellville. I also received the KYCH. I’m a Noble of Ansar Shrine serving as their Chaplain, Clown, Chaplain LOH and Chaplain GLSALOH in Cleveland, Ohio. I’ve served 2 years as Chaplain for the Illinois Shrine Football Game.